New Members

All are welcome!

We all deal with struggles in life.

We all deal with struggles. And all of us come from different backgrounds and experience various hardships throughout our lives. But we don’t have to do it alone! Our hope is found in a personal relationship with Jesus and through connecting with local church. That’s why we offer our New Members Class on a monthly basis. We want to help connect you with others who can strengthen you and do life with you in the midst of your struggles! Read below to learn more about attending an upcoming class!

Come join us for one of our New Members classes!

This is a one-time class, offered on a Sunday morning at 9:30am at the Downtown Lakeland Campus and after Church at 12:15pm for our Auburndale and South Lakeland Campuses. This class is a prerequisite for church membership.  In the class we cover the history, mission and vision of Lakes Church so you know who we are and where we are going.  We’ll cover our foundational doctrinal beliefs so you know what we believe about God, the Bible and humanity.  We’ll explain how you can get connected to a Sunday School class, something we call Connect Groups.  We’ll share how you can be involved in the life of the church through serving and being on-mission.  Most importantly we’ll talk about what it means to be a Christian.  Whether you are a new believer, or have been walking with the Lord for many years, its important that we all understand the Gospel message.  A church at its core is a collection of Christians, those people for whom Christ died, conquered sin and death, and has provided eternal life.  Anyone can attend a church, but membership is about being a part of the body of believers, the Bride of Christ.  We look forward to seeing you in our New Members class!      

Want to attend one of our upcoming new member classes?

Have questions about one of our upcoming classes at your campus?