
K-5th Graders

K - 5th Graders

Our ministry for kindergarten through fifth graders presents fun, innovative ways to instill essential truths from God’s Word, foster healthy fellowship between peers, and build prayer and Bible study habits that will last a lifetime. Through every activity and interaction, we build these core values to equip children for life; I can make wise choices, I can treat others as they want to be treated, I can trust God no matter what. Our experienced teachers and dedicated volunteers are privileged to partner with you to nurture a growing relationship with Jesus in your child!


Sunday – Connect Groups @ 9:30am
Wednesday – Student Service @ 6:30pm


Sunday – Connect Groups @ 9:15am
Wednesday – Student Service @ 6:30pm


Sunday – Connect Groups @ 9:15am
Wednesday – Student Service @ 6:30pm

Resources for Parents

Anna Farmer

Kids Ministry Associate (TBD)

Pastor Allen Flood

Nex Gen Pastor

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