Moving Forward in Faith: Reflecting on 140 Years of God’s Faithfulness

As we stand on the threshold of a new chapter in our church’s history, it’s fitting to look back at where we’ve come from and forge ahead to where God is leading us. Our journey as a congregation began in 1885, and for 140 years, we’ve been witnesses to God’s unwavering faithfulness. Today, we find ourselves in a unique position – worshipping in a former mall, a testament to our willingness to adapt and grow. As we reflect on our past and look to our future, the words of the Apostle Paul in Romans 1:8-15 offer us guidance and inspiration for moving forward in faith.

  1. Gratitude for Those Who Came Before Us

“First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world. God, whom I serve in my spirit in preaching the gospel of his Son, is my witness how constantly I remember you in my prayers at all times…” (Romans 1:8-10)

Paul begins his letter to the Romans with gratitude, and so should we as we consider our church’s history. In 1885, a small group of believers came together with a vision to establish a place of worship in our community. They likely couldn’t have imagined that 140 years later, their small congregation in Downtown Lakeland would have grown into the vibrant church family we are today.

We owe a debt of gratitude to those early pioneers of faith who laid the foundation upon which we now stand. Through world wars, economic depressions, and societal changes, generation after generation kept the faith alive in our community. Their perseverance, sacrifice, and dedication to the gospel have made our present reality possible.

In 1998, our church faced a pivotal moment when we voted to transform a local dilapidated mall into our new vibrant place of worship. This bold move, driven by faith and vision, has shaped our identity as Lakes Church. It’s a powerful reminder that the church is not confined to traditional structures but can adapt and thrive in unexpected places.

As we move forward, let us carry with us the same spirit of innovation and faith that has characterized our church’s journey thus far. Let us be thankful for those who came before us, whose prayers, hard work, and faithfulness have paved the way for where we stand today.

  1. Doing Our Part: Individually and Together

“I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong— that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” (Romans 1:11-13)

Paul expresses his desire to visit the Romans, not just to teach them, but to be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith. This reminds us that as we move forward, each of us has a part to play in the growth and strengthening of our church community.

Our church’s history is not just a story of buildings or programs, but of people – individuals who stepped up to serve, to teach, to encourage, and to lead. From the Sunday school teachers who have nurtured the faith of generations of children, to the missions teams who have taken the gospel beyond our walls, to the countless volunteers who have given their time and talents – each person’s contribution has been vital to our church’s story.

As we look to the future, we must ask ourselves: How can I contribute to the next chapter of our church’s history? What gifts has God given me that I can use to strengthen our community of faith? Whether it’s through teaching, serving, giving, or simply being present and engaged, each of us has a crucial role to play.

Moreover, Paul’s words remind us of the importance of doing this together. Our individual contributions, when brought together in unity, create a tapestry of faith that is far more beautiful and impactful than any of us could achieve alone.

  1. Realizing Our Gospel Stewardship

“I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish. That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel also to you who are in Rome.” (Romans 1:14-15)

Paul felt a deep sense of obligation – or stewardship – to share the gospel with all people. As we move forward in faith, we must recognize that we too have been entrusted with this same gospel stewardship.

For 140 years, our church has been a beacon of hope in our community, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. From our humble beginnings in 1885 to our current home in a repurposed mall, our mission has remained the same: to glorify God by making Jesus Christ known throughout our community and beyond! 

As we look to the future, we must ask ourselves: 

  • How can we fulfill this gospel stewardship in our current context? 
  • How can we effectively share the unchanging truth of Jesus in our ever-changing world? 

This may mean embracing new methods of outreach, leveraging technology, or finding innovative ways to serve our community. Whatever form it takes, we must remember that we are accountable for this precious message that has been entrusted to us.

  1. Moving Forward Because Christ’s Work is Finished

While not explicitly stated in the Romans passage, this final point is crucial to our understanding of how we move forward in faith. We don’t move forward in our own strength or based on our own accomplishments. Rather, we move forward in faith because of what Christ has already accomplished for us.

The atoning work of Christ on the cross is the foundation of our faith and the source of our confidence as we look to the future. It’s because of Christ’s finished work that we can face the challenges ahead with hope and assurance.

As we celebrate 140 years of God’s faithfulness and embark on this new chapter in our church’s life, let us remember that our future is secure in Christ. The same God who has guided us through 140 years of ministry – from our founding in 1885, through our bold move to the mall in 1998, to where we stand today – will continue to lead us as we move forward.


As we reflect on Paul’s words to the Romans and our own rich history, we find ourselves at an exciting juncture. We stand on the shoulders of generations of faithful believers, entrusted with a precious gospel stewardship, and empowered by Christ’s finished work.

Moving forward in faith doesn’t mean we have all the answers or that the path ahead will always be clear. But it does mean that we trust in the God who has proven faithful for 140 years, and we commit ourselves to playing our part in His ongoing story.

So let us move forward in faith – with gratitude for our past, commitment to our present, and hope for our future. Let us move forward in faith, knowing that the best is yet to come for Lakes Church.

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To glorify God by staying tethered to Christ through His Word, and reaching Central Florida with the Gospel by turning members into missionaries.

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