Debbie Prickett has been coming to Lakes Church for about three years now and felt the Lord leading her to volunteer for this year’s VBS. “I love working with the children,” said Debbie. “This is such an important ministry!”

Every day during VBS, Debbie taught Bible study to 3rd-5th graders. She noticed how hungry they were to learn, and how attentive they were at listening to each lesson. Each lesson focused on God’s truth – in contrast to what the world is saying today. VBS 2024 transported about 500 children to Breaker Rock Beach – a place where they could have fun, play games, make arts and crafts from the sea, and focus on God’s Word. This year’s verse the children memorized was Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Teachers explained the main idea that God’s truth never changes in a world of sinking sand. Each day, there were practical lessons regarding the lies of the world versus God’s truth. “I love that we could actually speak to what’s going on in the world today and the children asked great questions!”

And Debbie was pleasantly surprised at how attentive the children were to the lessons each day. Many knew the answers and the story, but she is hoping the Lord penetrated their hearts in a special way.  “What I want is for the Lord to soften their hearts to not just have the knowledge in their head, but to let that story sink deep into their hearts in a transforming way.”

Debbie is praying that the lessons she and the other volunteers taught will have a significant impact on these students’ lives. She’s also hoping her story will persuade YOU to volunteer in the children’s ministry. 

“Just try it! This is such an important ministry. You are looking at our future. There are future pastors, teachers, moms, and dads in these classrooms, and you can make an eternal difference in these children’s lives.” 

For Debbie, volunteering in the children’s ministry has brought her so much JOY that she wants to encourage you to give it a try.  “It doesn’t matter if you have the ability or not, it’s being open to letting the Lord use you. He will equip you – and when you do – watch out! You just never know how God will use you.”

There is no doubt Debbie will be back again next year for VBS, but until then, you can find her volunteering in the first-grade classroom.

If you would like to learn more about volunteering in the children’s ministry and how God can use you, visit https://golakeschurch.com/kids/.

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To glorify God by staying tethered to Christ through His Word, and reaching Central Florida with the Gospel by turning members into missionaries.

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