Answering God’s Call: Lakes Church Launches Bi-vocational Ministry Cohort

In August 2023, Pastor Aaron laid out a vision for Lakes Church to launch a leadership development program called the “Lakes Church Network.” This Network trains and equips those of any age who feel called to ministry. One of the groups in the program is designed specifically for those balancing a secular career with a calling to ministry – the Bi-vocational Ministry Cohort, which launched in January 2024. This innovative program meets the unique needs of individuals who feel led to ministry leadership but aren’t in a position to leave their full-time professions. This model reflects the Apostle Paul’s own example, who worked as a tentmaker while spreading the Gospel (Acts 18:3).

“We recognize that God calls people from all walks of life and career stages to ministry,” explains Pastor Alex Davis, Teaching & Multiplication Pastor at Lakes Church. “Not everyone can step away from their career to attend seminary, yet their calling is just as vital. As Scripture tells us, ‘There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord'” (1 Corinthians 12:4-5).

The 20-month program currently has four participants engaged in comprehensive training covering essential areas including Biblical Theology, Spiritual Formation, Leadership Development – all of which will help individuals faithfully serve in the local church. Through monthly in-person meetings and an online training platform, participants develop their ministry skills while remaining in their current professions. This approach embodies Peter’s teaching that “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” (1 Peter 4:10).

Requirements include Lakes Church membership, active ministry involvement, and commitment to monthly Sunday afternoon training sessions. Participants immerse themselves in the church’s DNA and vision, preparing them to reach their community with the gospel of Jesus Christ.” 

Feel called to ministry while maintaining your professional career? Contact Pastor Alex Davis at to learn more about joining our next bi-vocational cohort and exploring how God might use your unique position to serve His kingdom.

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To glorify God by staying tethered to Christ through His Word, and reaching Central Florida with the Gospel by turning members into missionaries.

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