
When the leadership of this church stepped out in faith in 1998 to purchase the mall that now serves as our downtown worship center and centralized church office, they couldn’t have imagined the Lakes Church you and I know today.

But they knew God was doing something big, and they trusted Him to bless their efforts to reach their community with the Gospel of Jesus. Stepping out in faith has been a hallmark of this church body, ever since our church was founded in 1885. And at every turn, God always does abundantly more than we could ever think or imagine when we follow His leading.

That is where we find ourselves once more as Lakes Church, and It’s what our ONE PURPOSE campaign is all about! God has given Lakes Church an incredible opportunity for ministry­ with five campuses working toward ONE PURPOSE to share the Gospel of Jesus throughout our community, and beyond. But in order to pursue this purpose and fulfill God’s calling for our church, we must invest resources to grow our reach and meet the needs of those in the community and around the world. So I’m asking you to prayerfully consider how God would have you Invest generously above your existing giving to be a part of this amazing work God is doing to reach our community for Christ.

I pray this web page will give you a glimpse of what your gift can accomplish for God’s Kingdom, as together we once again step out in faith to do whatever it takes to reach people with the Gospel. Thank you for being part of the Lakes Church family. Please join me in praying that God will bless this campaign through your sacrificial giving, so that together we can continue to passionately pursue our ONE PURPOSE – to make Jesus known both near and far. 

Six campuses working for ONE Purpose.


Project 1: Sanctuary Infrastructure

Through ONE Purpose, we will update the sanctuary to restructure seating, improve audio- visual technology, and address nearly two decades of wear-and-tear. The sanctuary and gathering areas will also be upgraded to provide greater functionality and versatility so that we can serve our community with space for banquets and events. These strategic investments in our sanctuary infrastructure will provide a more welcoming, warm, and comfortable space for members and visitors alike and allow for television and radio broadcast capabilities to reach 400,000 homes in the area.

Project 2: Mature Adults Ministry

Mature adults are a vital part of the life of our church, and ONE Purpose serve them well by providing dedicated spaces for our Mature Adults ministry that enhances the feel of fellowship and community among senior adults. It will also enable ministry to reach the growing number of seniors moving to Lakeland and share the love of God and Gospel of Jesus with those who may feel alone and alienated in their new community.

Project 3: Lakes Academy

ONE Purpose will allow for investment into the infrastructure at Lakes Church Academy to better serve our current students – 400 Kindergarten through 5th graders – with lunchroom space, improved restroom facilities, weather-protected pick-up and drop-off, and an isolated, secure space for emergencies. Most importantly, it will also allow for expansion of The Academy to a Pre-K through 12th grade school that will open doors for the Gospel to be presented to families who would otherwise never attend church.

Project 4: Special Needs Wing

A key element of ONE Purpose is the building of a Special Needs Wing to minister to one of the most underserved populations in our community. This campaign will allow Lakes Church to be a flagship in our community by providing professional quality service for families with special needs children, supporting them not just on Sundays but throughout the week! This significant investment will enable our church to place ministry to those with special needs at the heart of the church and demonstrate how much we care for our neighbors with unique challenges that go largely unserved elsewhere.

Project 5: Recreation Center

For many who would never attend a church service or Bible study, sports and recreation ministries present a unique opportunity for outreach. ONE Purpose will provide for expanded recreation facilities, both indoors with our gym and outdoors with athletic fields for soccer, tee- ball, flag football, and more. Gym facilities will also allow to better serve the youth of the church and provide a fun and safe space for community outreach activities with the youth and families.

Giving Progress

As of Sept. 22, 2024

We would be honored to have a personal conversation with you if you are interested in learning more about gifts of stock, real estate, IRA contributions, estate gifts, or other creative giving opportunities. Contact Us to begin this conversation!



We’d love to help! Reach out to us for any questions regarding the One Purpose Campaign.

Ready to make a commitment?


Want to donate through wire transfer, real estate, IRA contributions, or donor advised fund?

Please complete the form below to notify us of your intention to donate through wire transfer, stock, real estate, IRA contributions, or donor advised fund. Upon completion you will be sent instructions for the correct pathway to complete your donation. This form is not a donation itself but will help us guide your planned gift through its process and steward it well. We are so grateful and honored that you are sowing into what God is doing for the Kingdom through Lakes Church.

Do you have questions?